recognition noun (ACCEPTING) - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for recognition noun (ACCEPTING): agreement that something is true or legal: See .
Teambuilding Inc. Article - Starving for Recognition: Understanding Recognition . an enticement advertised in advance to get people to do something. Recognition .
Republic of Kosova declares independence. February 17th 2008, at 15:49 CET . Recognized or announced the recognition of Republic of Kosova
Famous Quote on Quotations Book - Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a salutation, not an embrace. - by Santayana, George
(noun) recognition, identification the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering "a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of .
Is a lack of disgust something to fear? A functional magnetic resonance imaging facial emotion recognition study in euthymic bipolar disorder patients.
Taylor's essay 'The Politics of Recognition' in recognition of something is without doubt one of the most widely read texts in the recent surge of literature on something called 'recognition'.
rec�og�ni�tion (r k g-n sh n) n. 1. The act of recognizing or condition of being recognized. 2. An awareness that something perceived has been perceived before.
Our Recognition Program also addresses monetary recognition for non-sales employees, as salespeople need to be dealt with separately regarding commissions and incentives.
. information on which gifts, rewards and items are right for your
in recognition of something
employee recognition . Instead, try something different with award certificates. By giving these free .
noun 1. an act of recognizing or the state of being recognized . 2. the identification of something as having been previously seen, heard, known, etc. 3. the .
Low or No Cost Recognition ideas: present certificate of appreciation for a job . can be presented on the spot when a manager notices an employee doing something .
Recognition memory is a subcategory of declarative memory Essentially, recognition memory is the ability to recognize previously encountered events, objects, or people.
He said:
(noun) recognition, identification the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering Synonyms: credit, acknowledgment, designation, identification, .
Recognition is how you respond to a sensory cue. You look at something and your mind looks to see if what you
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