Update, January 5, 2008: Captain David Faggard, Chief of Emerging Technology for the U.S. Air Force, sent me an updated version of their chart, whose . many companies who only pay .
Best Answer: Check this website out. It is the 2008 military pay 2008 air force pay charts chart. http://www.dfas.mil/militarypay/militarypaytables/2008MilitaryPayCharts35.pdf NOTE: A Air .
Air Force members performing duty at sea are entitled to a special monthly pay, known as "Career Sea Pay." Here are the monthly rates for Air Force enlisted members.
2012 Military Pay Chart Table for United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marines. . pay
tables for 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, .
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Pay is the most tangible, immediate benefit of serving the military. Got a lowdown
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2008 Military Pay Charts. The pay tables below are based on a 3.5% pay raise. . are valid for active and reserve components of the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force .
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Your online source for everything Air Force: Air Force news, benefits, photos, news from Iraq, military community
View Your 2008 Military Pay Chart: Military . United States Military Trains Iraqi Air Force .
Air Force members performing duty at sea are entitled to a special monthly pay, known as "Career Sea Pay." Here are the monthly rates for Air Force officers.
. Housing (BAH) is based on geographic duty location, pay . Since 2008 the BAH rates are directly related to the cost . Air Force; Coast Guard; National Guard; Military Spouse
This military pay chart can be used to determine Air Force pay, Army pay, Coast Guard pay . (3.9% pay raise) 2008 Military Base Pay Charts. (3.5% pay raise) Military Pay and Benefits .
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2008 Air Force Sea Pay Air Force personnel serving in paygrades E-4 and above assigned to sea duty are entitled to career sea pay.
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